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Form Submission Cleaner Documentation

Form Submission Cleaner

Form Submission Cleaner for Statamic is a simple command to help automate the clean up and removal of old form submissions and uploaded assets.

It is available open source for you to use in your Statamic projects.

What is it?

Form Submissions in Statamic can be stored - which is really handy to allow visibility within the CP, and also can help with keeping a copy of the submission in case an email is not being sent correctly.

But what happens after a few days... weeks... months... those submissions can start to build up - and that can be quite a bit of personal information sitting on your server, most likely unnecessarily too.

What would you prefer to do:

  • have to remember to manually delete these submissions (and any attachments), or

  • have this addon take care of it for you?

Form Submission Cleaner for Statamic is a simple command that you can run daily on your site to help keep your Submissions (and uploaded assets) clean and tidy.


Simply add this command to your scheduled jobs, double check your config if you need, and you're all set.

  • set and run, with no required configuration

  • clean up old Form Submissions

  • clean up old uploaded Assets (attachments)

  • hooks in with Laravel's Task Scheduling