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Iconamic Documentation


When creating a Blueprint or Bard Set, use the Iconamic fieldtype to create a searchable select box of icons in your configured path.

Iconamic Configuration

Your default configuration will be used, but you can change your path, path helper and recursive configuration in the fieldtype config options. See Configuration for details about these values.

Path Override

By default, your configured path will be used - leave blank to use your default, or provide an override for this Fieldtype instance only.

Path Helper Override

By default, your configured path_helper will be used - leave blank to use your default, or provide an override for this Fieldtype instance only.

Recursively list icons?

There may be times where you want to organise your icons with folder structures.

Enabling recursive mode will recursively explore all folders from your base path, with icons listed with their path relative to the path.

Disabling recursive mode will only list icons explicitly in the base path, excluding any subfolders.

Selection New

These configuration options are available from 2.1.0.


Add a default placeholder text, or leave blank for no placeholder.


When enabled, the selected value will be able to be cleared. When disabled, when an icon is selected, it cannot be cleared.


When enabled, users can search within the list of icons by typing in to the Iconamic field. When disabled, search is disabled.

Data New

This configuration option is available from 2.1.0.

Default Value

Leave blank to have no default value (this is the default).

To set a default icon for this Iconamic instance, provide the icon relative to the path configuration.

If you have recursive mode enabled, and the icon is in a subfolder, don't forget to include the full relative path to the icon.