What can it do?
TinyMCE provides a WYSIWYG editing experience for content authors, and can be easily extended through custom plugins - which is great when you need an editor to insert content from other parts of your application.
This TinyMCE addon allows you to:
Select from either TinyMCE version 5, 6 or 7
Create multiple configurations for different use cases
Apply one of your configuration to each TinyMCE Cloud fieldtype usage
Load immediately, or defer to throttle initialisations
Why use the Tiny Cloud-hosted version of TinyMCE?
TinyMCE can be either self-hosted or hosted through Tiny Cloud.
This fieldtype uses the Tiny Cloud method.
This means that as Tiny release updates to TinyMCE, the cloud-hosted version will receive them without you needing to update your dependencies, re-build and re-deploy your codebase.
When using the Tiny Cloud version of TinyMCE, you still can configure TinyMCE as if you were running the self-hosted version, and take advantage of your own external plugins too - these need to be built as part of your project, and hosted with your project.
To use the Tiny Cloud version of TinyMCE, you need a free API key from Tiny. When you have your key set up, you can also take advantage of Tiny's Premium plugins if needed.