Two Factor for Statamic
Two Factor for Statamic is an addon for Statamic that enables users of the Control Panel (CP) to utilise two factor authentication using a one-time password (such as with Google Authenticator or password manager apps like 1Password).
This addon can enforce two factor authentication to:
all CP users (the default), or
users by Role (the `enforced_roles` config property)
If you have two Roles - Admin and Author - and you enforce two factor for Admin, any Author users can optionally opt-in to Two Factor by visiting their profile.
This addon enables two factor authentication for users of the Control Panel. When enabled, users will be prompted to set up two factor before they can continue. The addon also creates emergency recovery codes for each user's account.
This addon:
can be enabled or disabled per environment (such as disabling on your local dev environment)
can be enabled for all users (default) or by Roles, with non-enforced Roles optionally able to opt-in
locks user accounts after a number of failed two factor challenge attempts
can re-challenge users after a period of time (default to 30 days, or can be disabled)
adds a fieldtype for user and profile editing
Users are able to:
show or re-generate their emergency recovery codes
remove two factor authentication (which will log them out, and require set up on their next login)
Admin can:
unlock user accounts
remove two factor setup details from any user
These admin behaviours are connected to Statamic's "edit" permission for Users.
Two Factor for Statamic is a Commercial Addon
You can use it for free while in development, but requires a license to use on a live site.
Learn more or buy a license on the Statamic Marketplace!